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Oil&Gas Industry

Your Safety is our passion
KELISAIKE provides a wide spectrum of gas instruments and know-how for the oil and gas industry, protecting workers from the danger caused by unexpected leakage of poisonous or flammable gases and gas explosion. 

Fire Services

Firefighting Equipment You Can Trust Dependable Escort for Firefighting
The self-contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA, is the foundational tool that provides the greatest respiratory protection from toxic gas and harmful particulates resulted from the fire. It’s essential for modern firefighting, suitable for today’s complex fire grounds.
Wearing an SCBA, firemen and emergency rescuers can concentrate on performing efficient rescue and relief work under the conditions of heavy smoke, poison gas, steam, and oxygen deficiency, etc. This CE certified firefighting equipment is what you can trust.


Shipping is perhaps the most international of all the world's great industries - and one of the most dangerous. It has always been recognized that the best way of improving safety at sea is by developing international regulations that are followed by all shipping nations and equipped with professional marine safety equipments.
Gas safety equipment for vessels, as part of a safety system, is essential to the safety of ships. This type of equipment is used to detect a gas leak and escape in emergency conditions.
Gas detectors are also used on-board ships to measure the hydrocarbon or toxic gases in the atmosphere and explosion hazard risk. And breathing apparatuses, including SCBAs and EEBD sets are popular used for handling dangerous conditions or emergency escape.


Today, steel production is becoming increasingly technology-intensive. Advanced control systems are under continuous development and massive potentials to exploit their benefits therefore exist. The control systems optimize the process operations, which reduce the processing time, lowers maintenance costs, increases energy efficiency, improves product quality and consistency, as well as achieving better emission control.
Steel plants use and produce various hazardous gases like CO, H2, and H2S in their day-to-day operation. These gases pose a risk of accident that may lead to fire, explosion, and toxic emissions. As safety has become a top concern for all modern steel plants, investments on hazardous gas monitoring are being considered in almost every process of a steel plant, either under construction or renovation.
Energy Saving
Steel plants use and produce various hazardous gases like CO, H2, and H2S in their day-to-day operation. These gases pose a risk of accident that may lead to fire, explosion, and toxic emissions. As safety has become a top concern for all modern steel plants, investments on hazardous gas monitoring are being considered in almost every process of a steel plant, either under construction or renovation. 
Steel plants use and produce various hazardous gases like CO, H2, and H2S in their day-to-day operation. These gases pose a risk of accident that may lead to fire, explosion, and toxic emissions. As safety has become a top concern for all modern steel plants, investments on hazardous gas monitoring are being considered in almost every process of a steel plant, either under construction or renovation. 
Emission Reducing
Emissions into the atmosphere from a steel plant arise from the use of various sources and activities wherever fossil fuels or by-product gases are used. Many of the potential emission sources within a steel-making facility are extremely difficult to measure directly. The process control systems are therefore located upstream to help reduce emissions rather than merely report from the stack before they are discharged into the atmosphere.
Backed by over 5,000 references in iron & steel, KELISAIKE offers a range of process gas instruments for steel processes and activities, including but not limited to:

“With over 16 years experiences in manufacturing safety products, KELISAIKE SAFETY is specialized in gas monitoring systems, breathing apparatuses, online gas analysis, PPE, etc.”

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  +86-25-87193262
 +86- 13815406056
  Bldg 12, 2 Qingshuiting West Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 211102

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